A Laokoon Group Project
Hans Block, Cosima Terrasse and Moritz Riesewieck
Laokoon Group, Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation)
In coproduction with
In cooperation with
PACT Zollverein
With support from
Kulturhaus Brotfabrik, vorAnker, University for Applied Art in Vienna, S+T+ARTS in Motion
The most special thank you is owed to the participant of the experiment for her openness, bravery, and trust.
Nathalie Ann Köbli
Production, Script, Directing, Editing, Production Design
Cosima Terrasse, Moritz Riesewieck, Hans Block (Laokoon Group)
Jeanne Bindernagel (German Federal Cultural Foundation)
Web Development - Design and UI
Studio NAND
Voice Synthesis and AI
Jack Rusher & Studio NAND
Data Analysis and Visualization
Laokoon, Letty, Studio NAND
Director of Photography
Konrad Waldmann
Additional Camera
Jeffrey Johnson, Thomas Schneider, Gregor Grkinic, Anna Bogomolova, Klemens Koscher
Lukas McNally
Production Management
Lea Helen Hepe
Nina Hölzl
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Patrick M. Müller (Docmine)
Editorial Department WDR
Stefan Moll, Linda Schelberg, Michael Kaes
Editorial Department - SRF SRG SSR
Sven Wälti, Christa Miranda, Judith Hardegger
Cooperation Partner - PACT Zollverein (Reenactment)
Stefan Hilterhaus, Inga Bergmann, Julius Brüntink
Technical Director Post-Production
Tobias Heinze
Assistant Editors
Tobias Heinze, Rémi Dayre
Production Assistant
Clara Hirschmanner
Accounting and Controlling
Jasna Witkoski (Kanzlei Laaser)
Co-Research Tracking and Online-Advertising
Matthias Eberl
Behavioral Science Consulting
Clemens Stachl
Dramaturgical and Technical Consultant
Katharina Meyer
Deniz Wagner, Julia Haas (OSZE RFoM)
Psychological Consultant
Rahel Jahoda
Legal Consultants
Kanzlei Laaser (Sonja Laaser, Laura Rhotert (freelance associate)), Georg Queisner,
Spirit Legal (Peter Hense, Sabrina Otto, Tilman Herbrich, Henning Fangmann, Jonas Kahl)
Business Consultant
Frank Lehmann
Technical Director - PACT Zollverein (Reenactment):
Marcus Stütz, Marcus Keller
Lighting (Reenactment):
Len Pichler
Set Design (Reenactment):
Jörg Schütze
Post-Production Audio & Video
Studio Mitte Berlin
Color Grading
Ben Packer
Voice Recording and Sound Design
Jonas Schüler
Jörg Höhne
Additional Sound Design and User Tracking (Website)
Simon Höher
Script Dubbing
Caroline Schaper
Social Media Strategist
János Joskowitz
Press and PR
Barbarella Entertainment, Juliane Köber (Kulturstiftung des Bundes), Ann-Charlotte Günzel (PACT Zollverein), Sarah Kaes (PACT Zollverein), Kerstin Finkel (PACT Zollverein)
Trailer Editor
Andreas Schumacher
Camera Assistants
Franz Waldmann, Anna Maria Indra
Editing Assistant:
Zoé Lölhöffel
Music Assistant
Bruno Breitzke
Additional Voice Recording Voice Bot
Nik Hummer
Post-Production Assistant
Katharina Lauer
Facade Engineer (Reenactment)
Stage Technicians PACT Zollverein (Reenactment)
Marcus Stütz, Rainer Nilius, Leon Dohr, Lara Heinrich
John Kultzscher & Katharina Lauer
Sydney LaFaire, Kaya Zakrzewska, Antje von der Ahe, Marina Frenk, Ryan James, Karen Joy, Jeremy Mockridge, Emma Díaz
Extras (Reenactment)
Fabian Hagen, Lucian Gilka, Manuel D. Geissler, Paul Frenke, Max Heibges, Hans-Peter Gobien, Thomas Peckhaus, Leon Dohr
Interview Partners
Katja Dittrich aka. Letty, Matthias Eberl, Philipp Hübl, Rahel Jahoda, Frederike Kaltheuner, Anna Lembke, Sandra Matz, Kirsten Ostherr , Johnny Ryan, Deniz Wagner, Johannes Wobus
Sincere thanks to all of our interview partners. Not all conversations found their way into our web story, but they all gave us new impulses and food for thought that we value immensely.
Our footage includes recordings of the following artworks from the Nxt Museum, the first museum in the Netherlands dedicated to New Media Art
'Connected' by Roelof Knol
with Sound Artist Marc Mahfoud
'Habitat'' by Heleen Blanken
with Software Developer NAIVI
and Sound Artist Stijn van Beek
'Econtiniuum' by Thijs Biersteker
in collaboration with Stefano Mancuso
We thank all artists.
Stock Footage
Pexels, Unsplash, Pixabay
Our personal thanks go to
Felicitas Conrad, Erna Conrad, Kalle Conrad, Veronika Hackl, Antonia Rauch, Catharine Eibl and Malte Terrasse
Thanks to:
Brigitte Felderer, Herwig Turk, Alexandra Graupner, Tilman Fromelt, Peter Greve, Matthias Haber, Sandra Bär Heuer, Johannes Heuer, Monika Wechsler Patisserie and Chocolaterie, Wim May from Wim’s Kochwerk, Troll Bäckerei Essen, Grünschnabel Bio Catering Essen, Super Biomarkt Essen, Ankerbrot Wien, Schauinsland Seilbahn Freiburg
We thank the entire Spirit Legal team for their generous support.
Furthermore, Laokoon extends their thank you to the Investitionsbank Berlin for their support through the program CoachingBONUS.
Laokoon would especially like to thank the German Federal Cultural Foundation and its board, Hortensia Völckers and Kirsten Haß, for the trust they have placed in us and for making this project possible as part of the series "Labore des Zusammenlebens".